Carlos Jeurissen
Working from Home. As independent Software Engineer from the Netherlands I have worked on many Browser Extensions, Web Apps, and Websites giving the best experience for both users and companies. White-hat Hacker. Contributing to the W3C WebExtensions group and many open-source projects. Loves to improvise when getting in contact with a piano.
Reach outView my extensions
Papermill Collective is a group of freelancers specializing in Material Design. As co-founder, I help form project-based teams to create websites, apps and browser extensions from our global network of designers, developers, illustrators and animators.
HirePiano improvisations
Music is one of the most important aspects in live. Improvising on any musical instrument opens a new world in creativity and finding peace of mind.
White-hat Hacking
As white-hat Hacker I have found several security vulnerabilities including a few at Google. This made clear a software engineer should never rely on assumptions when it comes to security.

Playsprout Industries has been started together with Michael Cook. At Playsprout, we craft beautiful, engaging, educational apps that cultivate creativity without being over stimulating or deceptively monetized.

Browser Extensions
Black Menu for Google
G App Launcher (customizer for Google)
App Launcher in Popup
Category Tabs for Google Keep
Ink for Google
Black Menu for Wikipedia